The Convergence of Distributed Systems and AI-Driven Algorithms in Shaping Scalable and Resilient Computing Ecosystems


  • Govindaraaj J Senior Consulting Engineer, Cisco Systems Inc., Author


Distributed Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Scalability, Resilience, Computing Ecosystems, Fault Detection, Resource Allocation


The convergence of distributed systems and AI-driven algorithms is revolutionizing modern computing by creating scalable and resilient ecosystems. Distributed systems enhance computational capacity, while AI algorithms optimize resource allocation, fault detection, and decision-making. This paper examines their interplay, focusing on architectural advancements, applications, and challenges. Insights into the integration of AI with distributed systems for scalability and resilience are presented, alongside future research directions.



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How to Cite

Govindaraaj J. (2025). The Convergence of Distributed Systems and AI-Driven Algorithms in Shaping Scalable and Resilient Computing Ecosystems. International Journal of Information Technology Research and Development (IJITRD), 6(2), 1-6.